P.O.Box 783
Phone / Fax : 61-2-9553 9406 ( within Australia 02 9553 9406 )


We are a group of independent, experienced UFO researchers from many countries including Australia, New Zealand, Europe and North and South America. Whilst we adapt a primarily scientific approach to our research we always keep an open mind regarding the many varied explanations and theories. We welcome all reports and information and always respect any request for anonymity.

INUFOR has contacts through out the world with whom we exchange information and research. We are also affiliated with the Australian Centre of UFO Studies, and the Australian Abduction Research Project.

We actively promote co-operation with other researchers, and contribute material to several UFO publications. The researchers in the network have many varied qualifications including psychology - physics - astronomy - geology - photography and electronics. They work on both individual and team projects, and have published one book - ô THE GOSFORD FILES ô with several others on the way.

We publish our magazine ô The INUFOR Digest ô three times per year. We consider it to be of excellent quality, which presents original Australian material.
Subscriptions are $A17.50 per year within Australia or $A25.00 overseas via sea mail. We also welcome requests from similar groups to exchange magazines.

We also have an information / book stall every Sunday at SydneyÆs Flemington Markets ( stall 37 ) 9AM to 4.30 PM. Witnesses and contactees are welcome to visit us for a confidential chat.

For those unable to come personally, send a stamped self addressed envelope for list of books, t-shirts, videos and jewellry available.

We currently have two t-shirts available in white or blue print.
1) ô I was abducted by Aliens ô
2) ô Contact - closer than you think ô
Sizes - M-L-XL Price: $A12.50 each plus $A2.00 p.p. in Australia.

We carry back issues of ô INUFOR Digest ô , ô UFO Reporter ô, and magazines from VUFORS and UFOR (Queensland). We can also arrange membership applications for MUFON, UFOR (N.S.W.), VUFORS, (Victoria), and UFOR (Qld.) and several other groups.

We occasionally hold seminars in regional areas, and where possible advise of any forth coming conferences.

For orders within Australia send cheque - money order - bank card details. Overseas orders send bank draft or similar in Australian dollars ( no personal cheques or bank cards ).

The Gosford files.

UFOÆs over the N.S.W. Central Coast.


Moira McGhee & Bryan Dickeson


Book cover
A book dedicated to the people of the Central Coast of N.S.W.

Read about the massive flying saucer sighted over ôBrisbane Waterö during the 1995 Christmas period. This is only one of the many occasions when spectacular UFOÆs have been reported from over the Central Coast.

Silver discs, triangular objects, strange lights, possible UFO landings and crashes, and strangers at the side of the road.

Read about encounters between residents and UFO entities and new spiritual awakenings.

This fascinating book is due out just before Christmas 1996. Only a limited number will be printed, so ORDER NOW !!

Price: $A14.95 per copy ( including postage ) within Australia.
Overseas, $A17.95 per copy, ( includes postage by sea mail )

Special 10% discount on orders of 10 or more books.

NOTE: Information as supplied by INUFOR.

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